Budget Database for Fun, Part 2

Here is a short continuation of my previous post on a “budget app” database structure. Based on my desired features from the last post, I’ve got some views for displaying net worth and one for displaying the categories with the budgets. /*Ths is simply the current net worth. Not so useful*/ CREATE OR ALTER VIEW dbo.NetWorthDisplay AS SELECT IIF( GROUPING( AD.AccountTypeGroup ) = 1, 'Net Worth', AD.AccountTypeGroup ) AS AccountTypeGroup, SUM( AD....

October 1, 2022

Budget Database for Fun, Part 1

I thought I’d have some fun and design a database to mimic the structure of the budgeting app I currently use, Bluecoin. Obviously it will be simplified, and I’m not going to actually use it, but I thought I would enjoy the exercise. A bit like seeing how many pull-ups you can do, just for the sake of it. One thing that has popped up a few times when using this app is the synchronising between devices....

August 27, 2022